June 3, 2009 journal, the Christian way is to not kill babies or abortion doctors, also to not kill innocent people on the battlefield. Christianity does not support killing any way. Which is worse to kill one person or many such as the soldiers and doctors do daily. The correct report is that the Air France plane is in 15,000 ft. seas and not 15 mi. deep. The American couple on board was from Greenville South Carolina as per later report. Dick Cheney said now that Saddam Hussain had nothing to do with attack on America. Too bad he could not have decided that 4000 dead soldiers ago with millions of killed and displaced Iraqis not even to mention the bankrupting of America plus all the agony. It was suggested that Cheney is expecting and preparing for his war crimes trial or trying to ward it off. I have finished my painting of Dick and George behind The Hague bar's. This country is mentally sick. A young mother overdosed this week here in this county. What a small world is in which we live. Rahm Emanuel is the president's Chief of Staff. I am surprised he is on the trip to Riyadh being Jewish. Gradually J-e-ws are coming to the forefront or being revealed such as B*us*h's homeland security chief was an Israeli citizen. This is the first presidential trip in history that does not include a stop in Israel. A representative of Israel said they have no plans to attack Iran. Could it be that they have no backing from the United States suddenly or that our poor economic condition may have put all plans to wipe out Iran on hold for now. Our righteousness is as filthy rags and our money is cankered. They played the national anthem for the president's arrival in Saudi Arabia and he held his hand over his heart with no Arabian head cover. The King and the Saudi Arabians stood still. Their horses have air-conditioned stalls. Mitt Romney weighted in from Boston with his millymouth mushy objections saying we should be talking with the Moslems showing our respect. Why not, the Mormons and Muslims are basically the same religion as the Mason's with their Osiris Egyptian sun gods pyramids. If you go back far enough in history it is basically one and the same. Maybe the Mormons are not running all over the world killing people like Americans. http://www.clemson.edu/sustainableag/csa_program.html Organic vegetables shipped out weekly during the summer from the Clemson address. California is about to shut down and sell their prison which may be a really good thing. The Terminator has done it again and failed to save the world. China is caught in a dollar trap, Russia in an oil trap and America is caught up in a debt trap. It looks like the end. China should have started years back buying gold with their U.S. dollars from Wal-Mart. I agree with the article on gold and silver but am reluctant to pass it on because the man seems to be in the business of selling gold and silver therefore the message may be bias. If one buys gold from him with money then he is selling his gold for worthless dollars which he may then reinvest in gold. I have not quite figured out the flood of money that is anticipated assuming it means rapid inflation. Certainly the phony Fed is printing that money by the trillions or authorizing it as debt to buy back Treasury bonds but then the money goes overseas for the Treasury bonds and they just throw those bonds away. Tell me how this will cause a flood of money? Wall Street owes the Federal Reserve and has forced the last two puppet governments into bailing them out so the taxpayer gets to pay interest on money freely given to Wall Street to continue their wild extravagant partying. American people have no clue as to what is about to happen to their medium of exchange. Oil prices and the dollar are one and the same but traded at different value in the market. Rises in the stock market may indicate super inflation with food prices now skyrocketing.